To implement anti-corruption measures, the administration of Perm uses a hotline

24/7 and free on app and from mobile phones in Russia

Hotline: Feedback to report of corruption
Regulations for settlement of conflicts of interests

Hot line phone

The hotline is intended for citizens to submit certain facts of corruption in the activities of municipal employees of the Perm administration, supervisors and personnel of institutions and enterprises subordinate to the Perm administration (“the supervisors and personnel”).

Hot line phone

The hotline is intended for citizens to submit certain facts of corruption in the activities of municipal employees of the Perm administration, supervisors and personnel of institutions and enterprises subordinate to the Perm administration (“the supervisors and personnel”).

Hot line phone

The hotline is intended for citizens to submit certain facts of corruption in the activities of municipal employees of the Perm administration, supervisors and personnel of institutions and enterprises subordinate to the Perm administration (“the supervisors and personnel”).
Operating procedure
Hot line phone

The hotline is open 24/7
in the answering machine mode with recording function. The time for receiving one call in the autoresponder mode is 3 minutes.
Recording and processing of appeals received by the telephone of the "Hot Line" is carried out according to the following schedule:
- Monday to Thursday from 09:00 to 18:00;
- Friday from 09:00 to 17:00.
Applications received on weekends and holidays are processed on the first business day following such days.
Security and privacy guaranteed.
By calling the "Hot Line"
information about:

Corrupt manifestations in the actions of municipal employees of the administration of the city of Perm, managers and employees;
Conflict of interest in the actions of municipal employees of the administration of the city of Perm, managers and employees;
Non-observance by municipal employees of the administration of the city of Perm, managers and employees of the restrictions and prohibitions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Anonymous appeals are not considered (without indicating the full name of the citizen who sent the appeal, as well as appeals that do not contain a postal address or email address for feedback).
Consideration of citizens' appeals is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by Federal Law No. 59-FZ of May 2, 2006 "On the Procedure for Considering Appeals from Citizens of the Russian Federation".

The substantive response to the appeal received by the "Hot Line" is sent to the postal address or e-mail address indicated in the appeal.

Appeals, including anonymous ones, not related to issues of combating corruption in the administration of the city of Perm, are sent to the appropriate authority for competence.

Please note that Article 306, Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, envisages liability for false denunciation.

Please note that Article 306, Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, envisages liability for false denunciation.

- Prosecutor's Office of Perm Region: +7 (342) 217-53-10
- Office of Investigations of the Investigation Committee of the Russian Federation in Perm Region: +7 (342) 249-54-64
Head Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Perm Region: +7 (342) 246-87-87, 246-88-99
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Perm Region, Perm, Gazety Zvezda str, 24a